International Events

Vitória, Brazil | June 7-10, 2017


Buyer Project
12 Brazilian companies
15 buyers from 10 countries
Altivo Pedras, Andrade, Brasigran, Cajugram, Ferraz Brasil, Granitos Zucchi, Itaseixos, Mameri, PBA Stones, Qualita, Tracomal, Vitoria Stone.
Belgium, Canada, Colombia, England, EUA, India, Mexico, Russia, South Korea, Spain.

Ilhéus, Brazil | April 26-29, 2018


The Global Stone Congress (GSC) has become the principal technical-scientific event in the world of natural stone. Aimed at professionals across a range of subjects and disciplines, connecting geologists with architects, quarry owners with engineers, the GSC seeks to share knowledge and discuss the challenges of the sector’s development. The organisers, CETEM and ABIROCHAS, warmly welcome all participants to what promises to be the most significant Global Stone Congress yet!

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Verona, Italy | September 27-30, 2017


36 exhibitors
Alfa Graniti, Anpo, Bramagran, Brasigran, CFRP, Cajugran, Decolores, El Roma, Ferraz, Fortuna, Gramazini, Gramil, Graniti, Granos, Gransena, Imarf, Imetame, Jacigua, Magban, Magnitos, Mameri, Marbrasa, Margramar, Marmifera, Micapel, Monte Negro, Nova Aurora, PBA Stones, Poliex, Qualita, Santo Antonio, Simagran-CE, Sincocimo-RJ, Thor, Toledo, Vitoria Stones.











Dubai, UAE | May 23-26, 2017


Bramagran, Brasigran, Fortuna, Gramazini, GSM, Grupo Guidoni, Imarf, Imetame, Magban, Marbrasa, Monte Negro, Nova Aurora, PBA Stones, Santo Antônio.


Milan, Italy | April 4-9, 2017


Commercial Mission | 6 companies

Amagran, Gramazini, Magban, Pemagran, Somibras, Tracomal.

Brazilian Designer Ludson Zampirolli

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Follow the Milan Design Week event that took place from 04 to 09 April 2017 in the city of Milan, ABIROCHAS participated in the Milan Design Week exposing granite vats created by Ludson Zampirolli. The companies participating in the event: Amagran, Gramazini, GSM, Magban, Pemagran and Somibras.

Approximate audience of 120,000 visitors comprised of architects, interior designers and shopkeepers of bathing shops, coating shops and furniture. Public responsible for decision-making, opinion makers and prescribing the use of Ornamental Stones of Brazil in architectural, renovation, decoration and urban planning projects. Design (geometry, function, texture, fashion) integrated with natural stones (material, color, veins) attracts specifying and consumer audiences with great potential for interest, promotion and business. More efficient than the presentation of tiles (ex: the pottery exposed next to the vats), without stimulus to the creativity and information of use to compose projects of architecture and interior design. Investment in architectural and design trends research in the world to produce design products as a means of promoting the Ornamental Stones of Brazil and the participation of design events, architecture, hotels, as well as specific fairs such as supermarket, landscaping/urbanism in Countries such as Milan, London, Dubai, New York, Nuremberg are of great efficiency for the Brazilian stone sector, since they are agglutinators of project professionals from all over the world.

Orlando, USA | April 4-7, 2017


88 exhibitors
Alfa, Aliance, Altivo Pedras, Amagran, Angramar, Anpo, Ardósia Santa Catarina, Art Sul, Bramagran, Brasigran, Brasil Quarries, Brothers, Brumagran, Cajugran, Capital Oza, CFRP, Coemax/Zumax, Colodetti, Comil, Costa Granitos, Cs3, Decolores, Delta, Direct Stone, El Roma, Exotic, Ferraz, Fortuna, Gramacal, Gramazini, Gramic, Gramil, Granales, Granex, Granfelix, Granibras, Granipex, Graniti, Granitos AM, Granittus, Granos, Gransena, GSB – Tec Tear, GSM, Guidoni, IGM, Igramar, Imarf, Imetame, Itapoama, Itaseixos, Jacigua, LG, Mag Ban, Magnitos, Mameri, MaqStone, Marbrasa, Marcel, Margramar, Micapel, Michelangelo, Milanezi, Mineral, MM2, Monte Negro, Nova, Nova Aurora, PBA Stones, Pedra do Frade, Pedra Rio, Pemagran, Planeta Pedra, Poliex, Polita, Qualita, Sabagran, Santa Clara, Santo Antonio, Simagran-BA, Simagran-CE, Simbraex ,Somibras, Testi, Toledo, Vitoria Stones, Yellow Stones, Zuchi.

Xiamen, China | March 6-9, 2017


37 exhibitors.
Amagran, Andrade, Angramar, Atlantica, Bramagran, Brasigran, Brex, Central Stones, Coex, CFRP, Decolores, El Roma, Ferraz Brasil, Gramil, Gramizini, Granduvale, Graniti, Gransena, GSM, Guidoni Mineração, Imetame, M Serra, Magban, Magnitos, Marbrasa, Marcel, Margramar, MHB, Monte Negro, Nova Aurora, PBA Stones, Pemagran, Qualita, Santo Antonio Granitos, Sincocimo-RJ, Thor, Vitoria Stone.

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